Do you know
Santo de Chispas ( Saint Sparky )
the patron saint of fireworks and human mischief?
The Story of Saint Sparky
"Saint Sparky" (Santo de Chispas) was an anonymous Franciscan
Monk who lived in Spanish California in the early 1800s. He visited San
Francisco once a year to buy fireworks and bring them back to his
mission. He would then don a disguise and in the stealth of night
distribute small bags of fireworks to the naughtiest and most mischievous boys and girls.
Through his meditation and studies he had come to believe that almost
all human efforts to create and live by rules to help us be "good"
inevitably backfired. He believed that we must accept--and even
encourage--at least some human "badness" to keep our efforts to strive
for goodness from becoming misguided constraints. Distributing small
and generally harmless fireworks to the "bad" children was his way of
telling these children that they were really okay...that much of their
naughtiness was actually "good."
The Saint Sparky Society is proud to carry on Saint Sparky's work today all over the world.
One of Saint Sparky's helpers handing out fireworks.
You, too, can become a Saint Sparky's Helper and wear this badge!
Scroll down this page to view St. Sparky activities over the years,
or click on any link below to jump to that year.
Smaller packets than in the past but distributed to more bad boys and girls than ever!
December 31, 2018
Happy New Years
This New Year's Eve fireworks came in a brown paper bag.
July 4 2018
Once again, Saint Sparky Society Helpers bring fireworks to bad girls and boys across America.
A copy of this display included in every packet
New this year! "Bad Boy" and "Bad Girl" buttons (1.25 inches in diameter).
Handed out with each packet and with other promotional items.
New Year's Eve 2017
Saint Sparky Society Helpers distribute fireworks to bad girls and boys during the winter holidays.
Contents--a copy of this display included in every packet
Saint Sparky Society Helpers ride again distributing fireworks and love to bad girls and boys across America.
Contents--a copy of this display included in every packet
What the well-dressed Saint Sparky's Helper is wearing this season.
Saint Sparky Society Helpers ride again distributing fireworks and love to bad girls and boys across America.
Contents--a copy of this display included in every packet
How the fireworks were packaged and delivered
This Year's St. Sparky Society President, Allen Bukoff, Handing Out a Fireworks Packet to This Year's Poster Boy, Jerry Burton.
How a Typical Saint Sparky Helper Suits Up for a Night Time Run, July 3, 2016.
Smaller fireworks handouts to promote The Saint Sparky Society to adults
Saint Sparky Society Helpers ride again distributing fireworks and support to bad boys and girls across America.
Packet #1 -- Our Mobile Fun Pack
Packet #2 -- The Contents of Our Big Bad 2015 Fireworks Packet!
The Packaging for our Big Bad Packet
St. Sparky Helper handing out a packet to bad child, Midori McSwain.
Saint Sparky
Society Helpers are riding again--distributing fireworks and an
affirming message to as many bad girls and boys as we can. Just like the
original Saint Sparky, many Helpers--like the one shown above--are
delivering their fireworks packets on horseback in the dead of night.
Thanks to your generous donations, this year's surprise package is a delightful collection of fireworks!
Our Packaging
This year's Saint Sparky's surprise package
was bigger and better than ever!
New Year's Eve 2012 Once again your generous donations have helped the St. Sparky Society bring New Year's fireworks to many deserving bad boys and bad girls!
Label on the St. Sparky Society's Fireworks Packet for this New Year.
Top and side view of the St. Sparky Society fireworks packet for New Year's Eve 2012.
Saint Sparky Society Volunteers Ride Again!
This year Saint Sparky Society handed out
several different sets of fireworks!
1. The traditional bag of mixed fireworks
Contents display
2. A special handout for 2012: a small brick of firecracker packets
Helper request
3. Another special handout for 2012: a small mortar with flaming balls.
Given out as a "thank you" to Saint Sparky Society Helpers and especially naughty boys & girls
Your generous donations to the St. Sparky Society this year have once again allowed us to distribute fireworks to many deserving bad boys and bad girls this New Year's Eve!
A St. Sparky Helper presenting a fireworks packet to a deserving child.
Back and front view of the St. Sparky Society fireworks packet for New Year's 2011.
Fireworks contained in this New Year's packet.
Other contents of packet.
The show must go on...
Dues to circumstances beyond our control, the Saint Sparky Society of America was unable to distribute fireworks this year.
July 4, 2008 Saint Sparky Rides Again
Once again this year
Saint Sparky's Helpers
Hand Out Bags of Fireworks
to Naughty Boys and Girls
The Story of Saint Sparky
"Saint Sparky" (Santo de Chispas) was an
anonymous Franciscan Monk who lived in Spanish California in the early
1800s. He visited San Francisco once a year to buy fireworks and bring
them back to his mission. He would then don a disguise and in the
stealth of night distribute small bags of fireworks to the naughtiest and most mischievous boys and girls.
Through his meditation and studies he had come to believe that almost
all human efforts to create and live by rules to help us be "good"
inevitably backfired. He believed that we must accept--and even
encourage--at least some human "badness" to keep our efforts to strive
for goodness from becoming misguided constraints. Distributing small
and generally harmless fireworks to the "bad" children was his way of
telling these children that they were really okay, that much of their
naughtiness was actually "good," and that they were loved, too.
The Saint Sparky Society is proud to carry on Saint Sparky's work today all over the world.
Display of the contents of each packet handed out.
This display included with each packet
2007 Happy New Year Fireworks!
Saint Sparky
-- the patron saint of troublemaking children --
makes a surprise New Year's Eve visit!
One of Saint Sparky's Helpers getting ready to depart with a sack full of New Years Fireworks.
This Helper will be handing out more than 30 bags of fireworks in the run up to New Years Eve.
This year the Saint
Sparky Society of America has acquired enough fireworks to distribute
fireworks for the Fourth of July and for New Years. The Fourth of July packet
included firecrackers and other fireworks best played with in warm
weather. The New Year's fireworks packet -- shown above -- included
showering cones and tubes--designed to create a colorful display on a
cold winter night.
Photo of the (approximate) contents of each packet.
Copy of this image included with each packet.
2006 In the tradition of St. Sparky: fireworks for the people
Dislodged contents.
This contents display was inserted into each bag
Round and round we go -- a Saint Sparky Helper bagging fireworks.
2005 Saint Sparky
The patron saint of small-scale fireworks
One of the bags of fireworks distributed on July 4th, 2005, by the Elves of Saint Sparky
This display of contents was printed out and inserted into each bag.
The Saint Sparky Tunic
The Saint Sparky Society began developing a modern version of the
costume that Saint Sparky wore when delivering fireworks. Shown here is
one idea for a Saint Sparky garment (created using a t-shirt from the Fluxus Indian Museum).
Saint Sparky
Bringing fireworks to the children who like to cause trouble
This contents display was printed out and inserted into each bag
Click on photo for larger picture.
This is the type of person who becomes a Saint Sparky's Elf or Helper
Small-scale fireworks & firecrackers for the people
in honor of Saint Sparky
the alternative small-firecracker handout
Do not hold in hand! Light fuse! Get away
This year we handed out two types of baggies -- one with small fireworks and one with just firecrackers.
fireworks baggie
click picture to download larger, more detailed photo of contents
firecrackers baggie
click picture to download larger, more detailed photo of contents
1999 The Early Days of the Saint Sparky Society of America
By 1999 we
had already been buying and handing out small bags of small-scale
fireworks to friends and work colleagues for several years. Inspired by
the legend of Saint Sparky we found that giving away fireworks was indeed a great way to encourage and excite bad boys and girls.
Photo of miniature fireworks and Fluxus Midwest rubber stamps
posted to Fluxlist email discussion group
July 4th, 1999